1.) c

2.) a

3.) c

4.) a

5.) b

6.) b

7.) c

8.) c

9.) a

10.) b

11.) c

12.) c

13.) a

14.) d

15.) c


1.) Is there a clear middle ground in the novel between individualism and an authoritarian community such as The Wave? If so, what is it and how does it behave? If not, why is this not the case?

2.) Is the novel dated or a product of its era in any significant manner? Does the situation described in the novel have a believable chance of occurring in a modern American high school? Why or why not?

3.) In what way does Ben Ross stand in conflict with the themes of the novel? That is, how does his role as a teacher and a self-proclaimed experimenter influence the way we understand power and the extent to which it can be used? How would the story be different if he wasn't able to exert so much power over his students at different points in the story?............


The complete study guide is currently available as a downloadable PDF, RTF, or MS Word DOC file from the PinkMonkey MonkeyNotes download store. The complete study guide contains summaries and notes for all of the chapters; detailed analysis of the themes, plot structure, and characters; important quotations and analysis; detailed analysis of symbolism, motifs, and imagery; a key facts summary; a multiple-choice quiz, and suggested book report ideas and essay topics.



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