22.) Meanwhile, Laurie faces the consequences of opposing The Wave: A few feet from her locker, Laurie froze. There on her locker door, the word "enemy" was painted in red letters. Suddenly the loudest noise in the corridor was the quick, insistent beating of her own heart. Calm down, she told herself. Someone is just trying to scare you. She tried to get control of herself and started to the combination of her lock. But she stopped in midturn. Had she heard something? Footsteps? (116)

It's worth noting that Laurie's paranoia is never resolved one way or the other, the author of the graffiti never exposed. Perhaps somebody was indeed stalking her at that point; from the set of characters in the novel, the likeliest choice would be Robert Billings. The questions that end this passage again point to something nebulous and undefined, which in turn makes it more threatening.

23.) Soon enough, she is confronted by David Collins and their argument becomes physical as he shoves her to the ground: David instantly recoiled in shock at what he had done. Laurie lay still on the ground and he was filled with fear as he dropped to his knees and put his arm around her. "Jeez, Laurie, are you all right?" (119)

The forcefulness of the language - David recoiled in shock and Laurie lay still on the...........

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Clapsaddle, Diane. "TheBestNotes on A Long Way Gone". TheBestNotes.com.
