Synopsis (Continued, ironically.)

Later that night, Patty packed up some of her belongings and met Anton in the hideout. Anton told Patty that it was impossible for her to go with him. Patty told Anton that she loved him; he did the same. Before he left the hideout, to catch the train, he kissed Patty and gave her a valuable ring that had been in his family for many generations. He leaves shortly after to catch the train.

Patty misses Anton, after he leaves, but she religiously wears his ring around her neck. Patty goes to the department store after school and Sharon is putting on a little show for some of the Bergens' friends. The spectators adore Sharon; Patty's father says that he has thought about taking her straight to Hollywood.

Patty feels the ring has much beauty and power and decides to show it to Sister Parker. When Sister Parker asked Patty where she got the ring, Patty made up a story about feeding an old, hungry man. She claims that after the man was done eating, he gave Patty the ring because she was 'œobviously a person of value' (161) and he wanted to reward her with his most valuable possession.

Sister Parker called over to Patty's father asking him if the ring was really gold. He clearly had never seen the ring before and asked Patty where she got it. She told him the same story that she told Sister Parker. Patty's father becomes extremely angry, thinking that the man had molested Patty. He calls her a 'œdirty girl' (165) and beats her in the middle of his department store. Patty's father calls the sheriff to question her about the old man. She re-tells the same story she told Sister Parker and her father. The sheriff believes Patty's innocent story.

One fall afternoon Patty's father comes home, bringing members of the FBI. Mr. Pierce, who had questioned Patty earlier in the story, questions her again, about her encounter with the old, hungry man. Patty retells her story. Mr. Pierces shows Patty a picture of Anton and asks if this is the man to who she had given the food. Patty reports that the picture does not resemble the man. Then Mr. Pierce shows Patty the shirt that she had given her father for Father's Day, which she had given to Anton. The shirt had a tiny tear surrounded by bloodstains. Upon seeing this, Patty lost her composure and asked Mr. Pierce if he had hurt Anton. Patty told Mr. Pierce Anton's full name; he then reported that Anton had been shot, and killed, that morning while trying to escape arrest in New York.

The FBI takes Patty away for a trial for housing a prisoner of war. Patty's father says that he wants her taken to Memphis because he knows a lawyer there who he wants to handle the case. Patty and her father have a fight and, as usual her father yells violently at her. Ruth becomes upset and defends Patty. Mr. Bergen becomes furious at Ruth's interjections and fires her.

Patty goes to stay at her grandmother's house, in Memphis. While she is there Charlene Madlee calls and makes an appointment to come visit Patty. Charlene discussed the possible penalties with Patty and her grandparents.

For her punishment, Patty must attend reformatory school between four and six months. One morning, Patty awakes in the reformatory and daydreams about visiting Anton's parents in Germany. The morning bell sounds and she and her roommate, Mavis head down to eat breakfast.

Patty returns to her room after breakfast and Miss Laud, notifies her that Ruth has come to visit. Ruth brought Patty her ring, from Anton, some fried chicken and ginger snaps. Patty asks Ruth if she knows what is wrong with her, since her parents do not love her and she always gets into trouble. Ruth assures Patty that there is nothing wrong with her and that she loves her. She tells Patty that her parents are not good people and that they are the problem, not Patty.

Patty and Ruth discuss Patty's future career as a reporter. Patty is interested in writing her first article about the conditions at the Bolton Reformatory.

Miss Laud returns and tells Ruth that her visiting time is up and she must leave. Patty becomes upset that she has nothing to give Ruth before she leaves. The book closes with Ruth leaving the reformatory and closing the door in between her and Patty

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Radisch, Sharon. "TheBestNotes on Summer of My German Soldier".
