Paul Farmer
It would be difficult to analyze this great man in just
a paragraph when the whole book was written to show what he has achieved in his
life. However, there are some important aspects of his character to remember.
First, he believes he can win the long defeat, his way of saying that he can overcome
impossible odds to save the poor of the world. Second, he believes he can give
up time with his family and put the guilt aside, because it's his job to help
the poor and the very ill. Third, he believes in the simple mantra: He is sick
and I am a doctor. He was born for the work he does and is obligated to do it.
Last, he can put aside his anger at a world that isn't doing its job of helping
the poor and ill, because he has no time for the anger. He must do his work which
also includes lobbying the world and shaking it up in order that it pays attention
to what it wants to forget.
Tracy Kidder
He is the author of
this book, but he is also one of its main characters, because it is he who must
document what he sees by living and working with Paul Farmer. He is a bit of realist
and a pessimist who constantly wonders why Farmer continues his work in the face
of almost certain defeat. It's only at the end when he finally realizes that Farmer's
determination to win over the long defeat is what makes him great. It goes back
to the axiom that having tried is just as important as winning.
Ophelia Dahl
Being the daughter of famous people, you might expect Ophelia Dahl to have been perfectly content to live her life among the wealthy. But her family faced a great deal of adversity as well, and so it is not unusual that she found herself in Haiti helping Paul Farmer. She didn't like it there, but she.......
The novel is divided into twenty-six chapters beginning with the first time Kidder met Farmer in 1994 when the United States......... h
The poor deserve decent health care and living conditions
The first theme - the poor deserve decent health care and living conditions - is the very essence of this book. The entire documentation of the work of Paul Farmer reflects this idea, one which will probably never be completely attained, but which is well worth the fight to attain it. Farmer learns in his work that it starts with the individual patient and ends with the wealthy individual who chooses to close his eyes to the misery around him. It is a constant struggle, but if even one person's life is changed as a result, it is worth the struggle and despair.
The Long Defeat
Kidder comes to realize that Farmer has spent his entire life trying to win the long defeat. This means that the doctor.......
The complete study guide is currently available as a downloadable PDF,
or MS
Word DOC file from the PinkMonkey MonkeyNotes
download store. The complete study guide contains summaries and notes for
all of the chapters; detailed analysis of the themes, plot structure, and characters;
important quotations and analysis; detailed analysis of symbolism, motifs, and
imagery; a key facts summary; detailed analysis of the use of foreshadowing and
irony; a multiple-choice quiz, and suggested book report ideas and essay topics.
Clapsaddle, Diane. "TheBestNotes on A Long Way Gone".