Pi cleans up after Richard Parker's bowel movements, which like Pi's have become painful and infrequent due to inadequate diet. But the cleaning is more than zoo keeping to prevent disease. Pi explains that Richard Parker had hidden the feces.......


Pi needs to continuously assert himself as the super-alpha male, which is quite an expenditure of ........



Pi restricts his own rations of biscuits as the survival supply diminishes. Always hungry, he now eats turtles and all parts of a fish, even the parts he would have previously used only for bait. He compares every morsel to the very best Indian cuisine. His.......


Pi considers his wretched foodstuffs a menu of Indian dishes, even Richard Parker's feces is like a big ball of.......



Pi describes the rich variations in the clouds, color, light, and rainfall of the sky. Then he describes the many sounds of the sea. Between the two are the winds, the moons, and all of the nights Pi spends drifting. He is living in an unchanging geometry of circles. The........


There is irony in a boy named Pi describing circles, and like the mathematical pi, his journey is inexact and endless. He........

The complete study guide is currently available as a downloadable PDF or RTF file from the PinkMonkey MonkeyNotes download store. The complete study guide contains summaries and notes for all of the chapters; detailed analysis of the themes, plot structure, and characters; important quotations and analysis; detailed analysis of symbolism, motifs, and imagery; a key facts summary; a multiple-choice quiz, and suggested book report ideas and essay topics.

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Clapsaddle, Diane. "TheBestNotes on A Long Way Gone". TheBestNotes.com.
