Memorable Quotes Quiz

Edition Used: Anchor Books, 1997

1. “Livin’ in the bush ain’t no picnic.”
Jim Gallien says this of people who think they can come to Alaska and live off the land (5).

2. “I’ve given jobs to lots of hitchhikers over the years. Most of them weren’t much good, didn’t really want to work. It was a different story with Alex. He was hardest worker I’ve ever seen.”
Wayne Westerberg says this of Chris’s work ethic (17-18).

3. “NEMO 1934.”
Everett Ruess carves this into a stone slab and into several other locations throughout his travels (94).

4. “He’d tell us to think about all the evil in the world, all the hatred, and imagine ourselves running against the forces of darkness, the evil wall that was trying to keep us from running our best.”
Eric Hathaway, Chris’s friend from high school, says this is how Chris motivated the cross-country team (112).

5. “He looked like those paintings of Jesus on the cross.”
Carine says this of her brother, Chris, recalling when he returned from a road trip (118).

6. “If we’d had any idea where to look –OK— I would have gone there in a flash, gotten a lock on his whereabouts, and brought our boy home.”
Walt says this of his missing son (125).

7. “Alex was clean shaven and had short hair, and I could tell by the language he used that he was a real sharp fella.”
Gaylord Stuckey says this of McCandless, explaining why he gave him a ride (158-59).

8. “I have had a happy life and thank the Lord. Goodbye and may God bless all!”
Chris McCandless writes this as the last entry in his journal (199).

9. “I have a lot of reasons for disliking Alaska, OK? But I admit it—the place has a certain beauty. I can see what appealed to Chris.”
Walt says this about where Chris died (202).

10. “I haven’t prayed since we lost him.”
Billie says this when she finds Chris’s Bible (202).

A. Walt says this about where Chris died (202).

B. Eric Hathaway, Chris’s friend from high school, says this is how Chris motivated the cross-country team (112).

C. Gaylord Stuckey says this of McCandless, explaining why he gave him a ride (158-59).

D. Wayne Westerberg says this of Chris’s work ethic (17-18).

E. Everett Ruess carves this into a stone slab and into several other locations throughout his travels (94).

F. Jim Gallien says this of people who think they can come to Alaska and live off the land (5).

G. Billie says this when she finds Chris’s Bible (202).

H. Carine says this of her brother, Chris, recalling when he returned from a road trip (118).

I. Walt says this of his missing son (125).

J. Chris McCandless writes this as the last entry in his journal (199).

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