The major theme of this play is the satire of the upper classes. This is a particularly appropriate theme for Wilde to choose because of his experience among upper class people. Wilde's leisurely setting-the country, where almost no action takes place-is a perfect backdrop, because it insinuates that the wealthy do nothing with their time. He characterization is also clever. None of the upper class characters have any real depth, which suggests a onedimensional nature. They are trivial, and shallow as well. An example of this can be found in the interaction between Gwendolen and Cecily, who immediately profess their admiration for one another and then, suddenly, turn on each other when they are at odds over Ernest. The only characters that can be seen working are Lane, Merriman, and Ms. Prism, who are not of the upper class. To further this theme, Wilde incorporates many mini-themes, such as the absurdity of social life, the triviality of the wealthy, the importance of money, and the lack of reverence for marriage.

The primary purpose of these themes is to provoke laughter from the audience. They can do so because they are testing the social values of their time. Wilde is able to satirize the upper classes by placing this play in an upper class social arena. Next he fills the characters language with epigrams, which make them seem ridiculous. Because they characters constantly contradict what basic values in their speech, or do not base their statements on any logic at all-they lose credibility as real-life, believable people. This works to Wilde's advantage because, despite what he may or may not think about the upper class, he wants his play to be funny and not overly offensive; they are, after all, the patrons of his show. Finally, Wilde makes the major issue of the play marriage. Marriage is an excellent way to poke fun at the aristocracy for two reasons. First, it is a traditionally sacred ceremony; second, he can highlight the importance of wealth and status among the upper classes, which often view marriage as a financial contract.


While narration does sometimes occur in drama, there is no narrator in this play. The characters speak in the first person, but the reader does not know what they are thinking-the reader is not omniscient.


1.) Algernon: I don't play accurately-anyone can play accurately-but I play with wonderful expression. Act I

One can take this as an example of Wilde's support of the Aesthetic movement, which valued art for art's sake. This philosophy did not require art to instruct or handle political issues. Unconcerned with the accuracy of his music, and in appreciation of its artistic value, Algernon can, here, be viewed as an aesthete.

2.) Algernon: "Really, if the lower orders don't set us a good example, what on earth is the use of them?"Act I

Algernon says this after he and his servant, Lane, have a discussion about marriage during which Lane seems relaxed about the subject. Algernon questions what is the use of the lower classes if they are not setting a good example for the upper classes. He states that the lower classes have no sense of moral responsibility.

This quote is intended to be humorous. Algernon is being serious, but Wilde is commenting on the absurdity of the upper class and their lack of moral responsibility. It is ironic because in the 19th century England, the upper class was supposed to be the respectable class, setting an example for everyone else.

3.) Algernon: My dear fellow, the way you flirt with Gwendolen is perfectly disgraceful. It is almost as bad as the way Gwendolen flirts with you. Act I

This is another unintentionally humorous quote on the behalf of Algernon. Its tone mocks the stuffiness and hypocrisy of dating among the upper classes.

4.) Miss Prism: No married man is ever attractive, except to his wife. Act II

This is an example of the Marriage theme.

5.) Algernon: What a fearful liar you are, Jack. I have not been called back to town Act II

This is an example of an ironic statement. Algernon calls Jack a liar; yet, he has come to Jack's county house under an assumed identity.

6.) Cecily says to Algernon: It is always painful to part from people whom one has known for a very brief space of time. The absence of old friends, one can endure with equanimity. Act II

This is another example of the epigrams used throughout the entire play, which render it hilarious.

7.) Cecily says to Algernon: Well, I know, of course, how important it is not to keep a business engagement. Act II.

This is humorous, because to Victorians-as well as to ourselves-it is important to keep business engagements. Yet, this statement is not amusing to the characters in the play.

8.) Gwendolen: Something tells me that we are going to be great friends. I like you already more than I can say. Act II

This is an example of Victorian Manners. Gwendolen says this to Cecily within moments of meeting her. This statement becomes even more humorous when examine in light of the disagreement they have only a short while later.

9.) Lady Bracknell to Algernon, regarding his pending christening: Lord Bracknell would be highly displeased if he learned that that was the way in which you wasted your time and money. Act III

This is an example of Lady Bracknell's characterization: she is primarily concerned with money. This is an excellent example of the wealthy's appreciation of money over morality.

10.) Jack: I've finally realized for the first time in my life, the vital Importance of Being Earnest, Act III

This is an excellent closing line for the play because it encompasses all of the irony with which this plot is laden.

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Clapsaddle, Diane. "TheBestNotes on A Long Way Gone".
