Hall runs back into the lab and tells Stone about his discovery. Together
they decide to tell Burton to breathe deeply in order to alkalinize his
bloodstream. But Hall can see that a rat within the pathology lab, which
should have been killed by Andromeda, is still alive and breathing normally.
As he tries to comprehend this, the computer ............
Burton is still alive because the virus has mutated and is now harmless
to both him and the rat. Instead of...........
Stone explains that Hall can get to a substation on another level by
climbing up through the central core of the facility. As he climbs, machine
sensors shoot Hall with.............
Hall wakes up in the infirmary on level IV. Stone congratulates him
on stopping the countdown and informs Hall that the organism must ............
The happy ending. Hall's ingenuity was a big part of the team's survival,
yet without the organism's chance mutation into a harmless strain, most
The epilogue is a question and answer session that follows the burn
up of a manned spacecraft during re-entry into the atmosphere. NASA decides
We are left to guess that the reason for the NASA crash is the danger
posed by the Andromeda Strain, which is still out in space. Despite all............
The complete study guide is currently available
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Word DOC file from the PinkMonkey MonkeyNotes
download store. The complete study guide contains summaries and notes
for all of the chapters; detailed analysis of the themes, plot structure,
and characters; important quotations and analysis; a key facts summary;
study questions, suggested book report ideas.
Clapsaddle, Diane. "TheBestNotes on A Long Way Gone".