The team finally arrives at level five and enters a huge room sealed
off from the bacteria infected areas where the satellite, baby, and old
man are under observation. Stone explains that the operation is one giant
glove box, any interaction with the test subjects will be done with
mechanical hands operated by the scientists. To make sure the.........
In this chapter we see a dichotomy of personnel and the importance of
their assignments. Stone and Leavitt, who consider themselves the.........
In the observation room a computer tech teaches Dr. Hall how to use
the computer system to diagnose and test the two patients. Hall uses the
computers to order a series of tests, but must draw the blood, urine,
and saliva samples from the patients himself. Inside the room with Peter
Jackson and the baby is a large rubber suit connected to...........
Throughout the book, Crichton consistently points out how the potential
of wasting time following up bad leads or...........
In the main control room, the observatory set up to find the
organism, Leavitt and Stone scan the outside of the satellite using sophisticated
fiber optics technology. They scan the exterior twice, find nothing, and
decide to proceed to the interior of the capsule. While scanning the inside,
The complete study guide is currently available
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download store. The complete study guide contains summaries and notes
for all of the chapters; detailed analysis of the themes, plot structure,
and characters; important quotations and analysis; a key facts summary;
study questions, suggested book report ideas.
Clapsaddle, Diane. "TheBestNotes on A Long Way Gone".