Santiago comes to the realization after working for the crystal merchant
for a month that it will take him a year to earn enough money to buy more
sheep. He suggests to the merchant that they set up a display case for
the crystal outside to attract more customers. When the merchant worries
that the glass might be broken, the boy tells him that's the chances you
must take when you are in business. You.....
This section of Part Two shows how the example and experiences of others
can lead you to the right path. The crystal merchant has put his dream
on hold out of fear that it won't live up to his expectations. Without
knowing it, he has shown Santiago that regrets for unfulfilled dreams
can reduce the quality of one's life. Santiago.........
The display case works and many more customers come into the crystal
shop. Now, Santiago has earned enough money to double his flock and he
thinks that the pyramids are now just a distant dream like Mecca is for
the merchant. However, he still recognizes omens: when........
Here the omens show Santiago that he can accomplish much with just his........
The news spreads about the crystal shop which also sells tea and eventually
the merchant must hire two .........
Eleven months and nine days after he set foot in Africa, Santiago has
earned enough money to buy himself 120 sheep, a return ticket to Spain,
and a license to import products from Africa to his own country. He tells
the merchant that he is leaving to return home, because he has enough
money for the sheep and........
This section prepares the reader for what the merchant already knows:
Santiago will.......
The complete study guide is currently available
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Word DOC file from the PinkMonkey MonkeyNotes
download store. The complete study guide contains summaries and notes
for all of the chapters; detailed analysis of the themes, plot structure,
and characters; important quotations and analysis; detailed analysis of
symbolism, motifs, and imagery; a key facts summary; detailed analysis
of the use of foreshadowing and irony; a multiple-choice quiz, and suggested
book report ideas and essay topics.
Clapsaddle, Diane. "TheBestNotes on A Long Way Gone".