The character development in the novel can be broken down into two parts: during the timeframe of the Westing game, and the sudden leaps forward in the final chapters.
During the timeframe of the Westing game, the defining development of
the characters comes not from changes in personality or perspective so
much as the revelation of depth. Characters are often initially presented
in terms of a single trait of some sort: not only do readers see them
in this way, which makes it easier to tell who's who in this large cast,
but other characters perceive each other in a similarly simplistic way.
This ties into the theme of masquerade in the broadest sense: while some
characters do indeed pose as somebody they're not, many of them hide secrets
about themselves and present a false mask to those around them. The last
three chapters briefly cover the next twenty years in the lives of these
characters. Many continue on the path of success set down for them soon
Josie-Jo Ford's character is defined by her sense of the past, as the
child of Sam Westing's servants and as an African American. She feels
trapped by her debt to Sam Westing, who paid for her education, and wishes
to free herself from this obligation. She believes she has earned her
position as a justice of the court and takes pride in........
Turtle Wexler is first encountered as a child who kicks the shins of
people she doesn't like and wants to make a fortune on the stock market.
Already, this indicates that she is very much like her Uncle Sam, who
has alienated himself from people around him and built a fortune through
his paper products. We are also told that they closely resemble........
Jake Wexler is a compromised authority figure, a podiatrist dissatisfied
Grace Wexler is seen as a superficial social climber who favors her
pretty daughter Angela over.........
Angela Wexler is the beautiful and pliant older daughter of Jake and
Grace, defined by her impending marriage to Doctor Denton Deere. At first
Angela seems concerned only with pleasing her mother, though readers very
quickly get a sense that her values are quite different from Grace's.
Angela's inability to express her anger at Grace's smothering attention
comes out in her becoming the bomber of Sunset Towers, which is an expression
of rage but not a desire to inflict real harm on anyone. Thus, she saves
Turtle from one of her bombs and.........
Theo Theodorakis is mainly active in trying to solve the Westing game,
coming up with one of the most esoteric interpretation of the heirs. There
are other aspects of his life, but he treats them passively: he wishes
to be a writer but we do not see him write; he wants to go to college
but can't do so because his family must pay for ........
Christos Theodorakis is surprisingly comfortable with his affliction:
in the same way that others see Angela as.......
James Hoo is the disgruntled former employee of Sam Westing who believes
his invention was stolen by.......
Madame Sun Lin Hoo starts out as a complete mystery, the cook for her
husband's restaurant and unable to speak English. We learn that this situation
has alienated her and makes her want to return to her native China, which
in turn spurs her into becoming a thief who intends to sell stolen items
to finance her return. However, she is.........
Berthe Erica Crow is seen as the slightly crazed, over-religious cleaning
woman of Sunset Towers. However, her strong religious beliefs has as much
compassion as judgment: she runs a soup kitchen with Otis Amber and feels
a strong attachment to Angela Wexler, who resembles her dead daughter
Violet Westing. Further, we find that........
Otis Amber is something of a mystery, as he spends almost the entirety of the novel posing as an idiot delivery boy when in fact he is a seasoned private investigator. As a delivery boy he is a fun-loving, playful, even annoying person; this seems to be a reflection of who he really is (or what he has become from playing his role), as he........ shop proprietor; even less is known about George's wife Catherine.
The complete study guide is currently available
as a downloadable PDF,
or MS
Word DOC file from the PinkMonkey MonkeyNotes
download store. The complete study guide contains summaries and notes
for all of the chapters; detailed analysis of the themes, plot structure,
and characters; important quotations and analysis; detailed analysis of
symbolism, motifs, and imagery; a key facts summary; detailed analysis;
a multiple-choice quiz, and suggested book report ideas and essay topics.
Clapsaddle, Diane. "TheBestNotes on A Long Way Gone".