The Invisible Man Study Guide

CHAPTER 16: In the Jolly Cricketers

The Jolly Cricketers is a tavern. The barkeep, a cabman, an American and an off duty policeman are engaged in idle chat when marvel bursts through the door. Marvel begs for help, claiming the Invisible Man is after him.

A pounding begins at the door and then a window is broken in. The Invisible Man doesn’t come in immediately, however. The barman checks the other doors, but by the time he realizes the yard door is open, the Invisible Man is already inside. Marvel, who is hiding behind the bar, is caught and dragged into the kitchen. The policeman rushes in and grips the invisible wrist of the hand that holds onto Marvel, but is abruptly hit in the face.

People stumble over and into each other as all try to catch the Invisible Man. He yelps when the policeman steps on his foot, then flails wildly about with his Invisible fists and finally gives them the slip. The American fires five cartridges from his gun, sweeping his gun in a circular pattern as he fires. The chapter ends with the men feeling around for an invisible body.

Notes - Griffin is injured in this chapter. He is thus forced to find shelter and help in the nearest possible place. But now, enough people have been involved in Griffin’s mayhem that it will be relatively easy to round up a posse of believers when the time comes to do so.

CHAPTER 17: Doctor Kemp’s Visitor

Doctor Kemp is still working in his study when he hears the shots fired in the Cricketers. He opens his window and watches the crowd at the bottom of the hill for a few minutes, then returns to his writing desk. A few minutes later, he hears his doorbell ring, but his housekeeper says it was only a “runaway” ring.

The doctor is at his work until 2 AM when he decides to go downstairs for a drink. On the way he notices a spot of drying blood on his linoleum floor. Then he finds more blood on the doorknob of his own bedroom. In his room, his bedspread is smeared with blood, his sheet is torn, and bedclothes are depressed as if someone has been sitting there.

The Invisible Man introduces himself to Kemp. He is Griffin, of University College. He explains that he made himself Invisible, but is wounded and desperately in need of shelter, clothes and food.

Kemp loans him a dressing gown along with some drawers, socks and slippers. Griffin eats everything Kemp can rustle up and finally asks for a cigar. He promises to tell Kemp the story of his bizarre situation but insists that he must sleep first as he has had no sleep in nearly three days.

Notes - Kemp’s reaction is in stark contrast to Marvel’s original reaction to Griffin. Although he finds the story hard to believe, he is too well educated and too intelligent to deny the evidence of his own eyes. Nor is he prey to hysterics or to working class superstitions. The idea of a spirit or witchcraft doesn’t even occur to him. His cool demeanor as he helps Griffin to the things he needs could be an indication of hope for the Invisible Man.

CHAPTER 18: The Invisible Man Sleeps

Griffin examines the windows of the room, then exacts a promise from Kemp that he will not be betrayed in his sleep and finally locks the door, barring Kemp from his own room.

Kemp retires to his dining room to speculate upon the strange events. There he sees the day’s newspaper, which he had ignored earlier. He reads it eagerly, but assigns the more terrifying elements of the stores to “fabrication.” In the morning he sends his housekeeper for all available papers and reads those as well. The papers contain stories of the previous evening’s events at the Cricketers along with a rather badly written account of Marvel’s experience. Marvel doesn’t tell how he came upon the money in his pockets, nor does he mention the location of the three books. Kemp becomes alarmed at the possibilities of what Griffin could do and writes a note to Colonel Adye at Port Burdock.

Notes - Kemp experiences his first apprehension because of what his own intelligence reveals to him rather than from the hysterical reports in the papers. He is motivated, however, from personal interest. When he recalls the behavior of Marvel, he realizes that Marvel-a mere tramp-was being pursued by Griffin. He suddenly realizes that Griffin is insane to the point of being homicidal.

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