When Mom and Dad arrive in Phoenix, they discover the house has been systematically looted, but it doesn't matter that most of their belongings are gone, because the car breaks down for good outside of Nashville, and they have to abandon the trailer that held what little they had left. Once they return, Erma informs them that they all must leave her house, which, of course, Dad blames on the kids. Mom and Dad won't even consider returning to Phoenix, because they're convinced there are plenty of opportunities in Welch.
Now, they begin searching for a new place to live. They end up buying
a house for ........
Once again, the children must accept living in a dangerous situation,
because their parents aren't willing to........
Jeannette relates in this section how she and Brian try to make the
best of living in the dingy house. Dad has marked off the foundation for
the Glass Castle, but never seems to be home long enough to begin digging.
So, Jeannette and Brian begin to dig and after a month have dug a hole
big enough for them to disappear into. They are very proud of themselves,
but once again, Dad dashes their dreams when he orders them to throw their
accumulating garbage in the hole. Also, around the same time, a big, nasty
river rat takes up residence in...........
The metaphorical aspects of this chapter are evident: the garbage, the rat, and the frozen paint all represent the........ .
The complete study guide is currently available
as a downloadable PDF,
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Word DOC file from the PinkMonkey MonkeyNotes
download store. The complete study guide contains summaries and notes
for all of the chapters; detailed analysis of the themes, plot structure,
and characters; important quotations and analysis; detailed analysis of
symbolism, motifs, and imagery; a key facts summary; detailed analysis
of the use of foreshadowing and irony; a multiple-choice quiz, and suggested
book report ideas and essay topics.
Clapsaddle, Diane. "TheBestNotes on A Long Way Gone".